Gazing in Awe at the Light

Photo by Gary Sankary from

This morning I was up early and read Richard Rohr’s daily meditation, Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar, ecumenical teacher and founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation. Today’s meditation is entitled The Spiritual Practice of Awe. The meditation draws from the book This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation and the Stories that Make Us by Cole Arthur Riley. 

The meditation begins with Riley suggesting that “… awe is an exercise, a being and doing.  It is a spiritual muscle of our humanity that we can only keep from atrophying if we exercise it habitually.”  After giving practical examples of simple ways she practices awe in watching birds, and in savoring the milk flowing into her tea, she returns to wonder and observes: “Wonder requires a person not to forget themselves but to feel themselves so acutely that their connectedness to every created thing comes into focus. In sacred awe, we are a part of the story.” (This Here Flesh, pp. 36, 37)

What gives me wonder this morning is that in a world where so many people are struggling to get along, we can celebrate the power of light as a universal symbol of what is good in the world and in each of us. This year, perhaps more than ever, we are invited to connect with the spirit of Hannukah as our Jewish friends celebrate their festival of lights. Light shows us the way and delivers us from destruction. The Hannukah lights this week, and the Winter Solstice celebration later in December are powerful reminders that the sun always rises, and that light always conquers darkness. The Christian Advent wreath points to the same hope. 

As we slow down and celebrate our traditions and respect the traditions of one another, we can stand in wonder that we are more alike than different. In our essence, there is a part of us that wants the same good for you that I want for me. As Arthur Riley suggests, we practice awe not because everything is perfect in our world, rather, we pause and look to the light and realize that love is indeed all we need. Happy Hannukah and Winter Solstice. More on Christmas as we get closer. 


  1. sally mac

    The magic that emanates at this Holiday Season is the celebration of Light overcoming darkness. If we forget this, we can succumb to despair. The miracle of Life is Awesome.
    Dance like no one is watching……

    • Tom Adams

      I love it, Sally. Dance like no one is watching. Accept the majesty amd power of LIGHT and LOVE and beleive it is for me. Savor, take delight, dance and pass it on! Thanks for sharing your light!

  2. Evangelyn Ramsey

    Beautiful article Tom,,, A beautiful reminder of how much I have to be thankful for.
    ..I was thinking the other day about my mom who was orphaned at the very early age of three, lived with her grandfather until she was about eight and when he died, She then went to live with her great uncle Willie who already had ten children of his own.
    I remember one Christmas afternoon after my brother and I had opened all our presents she showed us how to put a candy cane in a juicy orange and suck the candy cane. It was so delightful to drink that orange juice thru the candy cane. That was so delicious. She told us and not in a sad way that when she was growing up that would be their only Christmas present. An orange and a candy cane.
    I think about how this Christmas 12 members of my immediate family and 7 in-laws will travel to Barcelona to celebrate Christmas. Multigenerational. Four generations. Myself, two of my children, six of my grandchildren and three great grands, the youngest is 17 months old. This is in no ways bragging, it is humbly shared with you all and giving all the glory to God, for his many many Blessings. Yes the miracle of God is AWESOME. Happy Birthday Jesus

    • Tom Adams

      Thanks Evangelyn for sharing your story of LIGHT and LOVE. What a joy to be your friend and to continue to learn and be inspired by your gratitiude and joy for life. We all have our moments where the darkness seems overwhelming. I know you have had your share. I have had mine. The beauty is that the LIGHT and power of LOVE is so much more powerful. It is grace and choices and habits that help us look for the good, for the Jesus in each of us. Thanks for this and the many reminders.