Leadership & Transitions

Leadership & Transitions — what we offer to readers on this topic...

Too many organizations underperform because they fail to pay sufficient attention to leader transitions. As a result, the mission, those served, and the employees suffer. In my work with more than 300 organizations facing leader transitions, I’ve identified many factors that influence the outcome of a leader transition.

The power of leader transitions to advance, weaken or destroy organizations and the power of a planned and well-executed transition to strengthen and transform organizations.

Unfortunately, not every leader transition goes so well. Think for a moment about organizations you might know that were weakened or destroyed by a flawed leader transition. Arts organizations, charter schools, food banks, group homes for people with developmental disabilities, neighborhood development initiatives and community health clinics of all sizes have felt the pain of failed or flawed transitions.

See our Resource Pages for additional information on each topic.

Waiting and Wondering in a Chaotic Time

Waiting and Wondering in a Chaotic Time

Chaos and uncertainty abound these days. Nature is doing its part to remind us life is messy and we aren’t in charge. I woke up last week to howling winds, temperatures too cold for my liking and some light snow. Friends in PA and MI were digging out from huge snow storms while friends in FL complained about this unusual cold and needing to turn on their heating systems. 

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Every Vote Counts – Take Action Today!

Every Vote Counts – Take Action Today!

Our youngest son loved to play soccer from a very early age. One year, the annual end-of-season potluck dinner featured a sports reporter from a local TV station. Besides congratulating and encouraging the kids, he left them with a message I have never forgotten. He very dramatically talked about Winston Churchill who, when the world was under attack from an evil leader with a demonic set of beliefs, repeated over and over: “Never, never, never, never, never give up.” 

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Values that endure – Fifty years of Connecting Communities and Hope

Values that endure – Fifty years of Connecting Communities and Hope

This week’s post is about how a small enterprise built on hope and shared commitments can endure and continue to do good. I recently relearned this lesson by attending the 50th anniversary of Neighborhood Housing Services of Baltimore (NHS), an organization where I had the privilege of serving as its first executive director fifty years ago. 

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“Acting as If” and Our National Elections

“Acting as If” and Our National Elections

For a while I have been gently reflecting on the connection between faith and our desire and commitment to live together in love and community. For me, the shift from despair to hope about the 2024 election campaigns is a great relief. America is certainly proving to be a free society where everyone is entitled to their opinion. Having lived seven decades, I appreciate the ups and downs will continue. With that in mind, today’s post is about “acting as if”.

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About Tom Adams

Tom AdamsTom Adams writes and speaks on topics vital to the intersection of our personal lives with our community and global lives. He has for decades been engaged in and written about nonprofit leadership and transitions, spirituality and spiritual growth, how we each contribute to a more just and equitable world and recovery from addictions and the Twelve Step recovery movement.