Racial Equity & Justice

Racial Equity & Justice — what we offer to readers on this topic...

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Action from Learning: Honoring Black History today

Action from Learning: Honoring Black History today

Whenever there is pain in America, Black people and other People of Color get a larger slice of it. We are in a period where our government seems committed to reducing resources for those in need in order to make them more available to the wealthy. The headlines scream of the many pain points in all dimensions of life – employment, inflation, services for those in need, international relief and coalition building.  Each of these pain points traditionally impact Black people and other people of color more.

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How African Americans joined Alcoholics Anonymous

How African Americans joined Alcoholics Anonymous

Writing a book is full of surprises – some that are delightful and others that are what you might call challenging growth opportunities. Beginning with this post, I will share some of what I have learned. By far, the greatest joy is the many people I have met and their generosity in sharing their experiences and wisdom. Each of them enriched my life and I hope to add depth and light to the book, A Marriage That Changed The World, for readers. (Now available on Amazon.) 

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Donald Trump’s First Week and Black History Month 2025 – New Realities and New Responses

Donald Trump’s First Week and Black History Month 2025 – New Realities and New Responses

This year Black History Month, beginning February 1, demands a second look and fresh eyes. I’ve written in past Februarys about how it is easy for we white people to see Black History Month as not about us. We may give polite acknowledgment or attend an event or two.  But we have minimal emotional investment. But if there was ever a year to pay attention to Black History and to what is happening to people different than us, this is it!

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Every Vote Counts – Take Action Today!

Every Vote Counts – Take Action Today!

Our youngest son loved to play soccer from a very early age. One year, the annual end-of-season potluck dinner featured a sports reporter from a local TV station. Besides congratulating and encouraging the kids, he left them with a message I have never forgotten. He very dramatically talked about Winston Churchill who, when the world was under attack from an evil leader with a demonic set of beliefs, repeated over and over: “Never, never, never, never, never give up.” 

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About Tom Adams

Tom AdamsTom Adams writes and speaks on topics vital to the intersection of our personal lives with our community and global lives. He has for decades been engaged in and written about nonprofit leadership and transitions, spirituality and spiritual growth, how we each contribute to a more just and equitable world and recovery from addictions and the Twelve Step recovery movement.