As a Puerto Rican woman working with communities of color in the US and Puerto Rico, visiting Africa had long been a goal for me.
See our Resource Pages for additional information on each topic.
Embracing and Extending Black History Month
The significance of Black History Month 2023 varies widely across the United States. To make real progress on our deep racial divides, we all need to pay attention to Black History all year long. The opportunities to do so abound. I have come to this point of view slowly over many years. Not long ago I looked at Black History Month participation as a box to check off out of obligation and perhaps guilt. It was one more thing to do.
Lessons about Reconciliation and Reparations from Desmond and Mpho Tutu: A Book Review
Reviewing the Book of Forgiving during Black History Month allows us to look at ways to right the wrongs of this country’s original sin: mistreating and exploiting People of Color. Whether they were indigenous to this continent, imported as slaves, or the Chinese being excluded from becoming citizens, justice requires that a recognition and renewal take place.
Love and Black History Month: Any Connection?
Is there a connection between Black History Month and how we think about love? I know the inventors of Valentine’s Day weren’t thinking about deepening the meaning of Black History Month. But might there be a connection?
Some musings and reflections on Love and Valentine’s Day
Editor’s Note: As we experience another Valentine’s Day, we are offered an opportunity to reflect on love in our life. This week’s guest contributor, Bill Swann, is a friend and fellow pilgrim on last year’s Camino walk. Bill poignantly shares what love means to him...
Acknowledging Black Trauma
Just imagine, every day you are poised for something bad to happen. You may not be conscious of the tension, but it’s there. You’re primed for fight or flight. That’s a part of what it’s like to be Black in America.
Seeing and Seeking the Beloved Community
As we enter Black History Month, we hear the echoes of Martin Luther King’s call for a Beloved Community. Throughout the 1950s and into the 1960s, Dr. King preached a deep connection between God’s love, “beloved community,” non-violence, justice, and peace. In a time of world conflict and daily struggles to see each other as beloved brothers and sisters, Dr. King’s words offer us a road map.
Slowing death and the Wilsons – What’s the connection?
Death is inevitable. Some deaths are sudden; some expected. Some can be prevented or slowed. Addictions kill and maim hundreds of thousands each year that we know of, and many more we don’t. Addictions destroy relationships and can lead to death and/or emotional trauma for those close to the addict.
Dr. King’s faith and its meaning for us
Two of my recent posts highlighted the power of faith. In his poem, Tim Leadem explored the joys and challenges of pilgrimages and the faith required to keep going. This past week, Don Humbertson shared reflections on his faith journey. Today’s post honors the national holiday celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and examines Dr. King’s life of faith.
Reflections on my Journey of Faith
My friend Tom has asked me several times to write on what I consider to be challenging and illusive topics – love and faith among them. After his latest invitation, I spent some time writing to discover what faith means to me and how it impacts my life. . I began with three reflections that emerged as a summary of my more detailed musings. I offer both to you in hopes it might inform your own reflections on why and how faith is important to the life we each live.