We need each other. Race matters. We need each other.

“We need each other. Race matters. We need each other.” Since witnessing the gruesome death of George Floyd, I repeat these words to myself. I feel sad, angry, and sometimes hopeless. I ask myself what as a white man I am doing to fight against racism. My answers so far are to be open about my journey of accepting that as a white man I am privileged and entitled, and to talk with other white men and women about privilege and what is ours to do and how we best join with people of color to end racism.

The national attention to racism now feels different. There is a dim hope of a larger will for real change. The obvious fear is that like the passion to end gun violence and massacres, our passion for ending racism will dissipate with the summer heat. I pray not. We each have a responsibility to make sure that doesn’t happen.

For me, that means learning about how whites collude with and sustain racism, being open to new ideas and ways of looking at race, whiteness and how I collaborate with people of color for change, and keeping work for racial equity and justice front and center even when some people get tired of the discussion. Changed attitudes and actions for change are where I see hope.

I intend to share conversations I find helpful in advancing the fight against racism. They will also be posted on my website, which is currently under development. I hope you will join the conversation.